Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Blessing of Children

Tonight, as I sit grading papers and avoiding grad school work, I am struck by the wonderful blessings of my three wonderful children! 

Megan has grown to such a beautiful young lady. This evening we jogged around the neighborhood (okay... she jogged and I walked, but still!). She gave it her all and I was struck with what an awesome kid she is! I am thrilled to have her as my daughter and to get to be a part of her life, even if she does cop a 'tude on me from time to time!  I love my mini me!

When we came in, I sat on the couch and my heart was warmed when Alaina climbed from Alan's side to my end of the couch. She said, " I want mommy." I replied, " Mommy is sweaty." She quickly flashed me her sweet, know-it-all, adorable smile and said, " Don't worry Mom, I already took a shower. I got it!" I chuckled and snuggled her close as she shared her cleanness with me! Her sweet spirit is a daily joy and I can't wait to see all God has for her!

Later, long after all were tucked in and sleeping (except me, the lone night owl), I heard the regular sounds of Matthew's nightly rounds. You see, Matthew has some interesting sleep habits. When he was younger we termed them night terrors, he would run screaming through the house and was the reason we utilized deadbolts at the top of the door frame.
Lately, his nightmares have been no less frequent, but have become less frightening (I suppose) as the reaction has been less terror and more confusion! But it is almost comical as he comes running from his room regularly to save his sister, or get his backpack, or find the dog, all with his eyes half closed and completely asleep. Tonight his mission was to help "sissy" with something. He ran out, into my bedroom, and then quickly back into the living rooma ll teh while mumbling about "sissy" and "helping." He allowed me to calm him down and send him back to bed, still sound asleep! And even now as I hear him talking to the wall in his room, I am blessed by his sincerity.
He is my challenging child when it comes to daily parenting, but is also my most loving. He loves to a fault and is a true blessing to cuddle and talk with! His imagination never ceases to amaze me and though he challenges every fiber of patience I have, he is my sweet boy. I pray that he heeds God's calling for his life and changes the world with his endearing tenacity.

Thanks you Lord for the blessing of my WONDERFUL children!  

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