Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Birth of Miss Megan

On this day 12 years ago, Alan and I were blessed with our beautiful daughter Megan Elizabeth Lance. Her entry into this world was dramatic, unexpected, and full of twists and turns. It was exactly as she has come to be.  Here is her story....

Alan and I had been married for 1 year and 3 months when we were shocked to discover after years of feminine trouble on my part and warnings from doctors to prepare ourselves for the need for fertility treatments that I was pregnant. My pregnancy was easy and enjoyable. We were told we were having a boy and set about preparing for our new addition.  Then at week 36 we had our final ultrasound and were shocked to discover the doctor now thought we were having a girl. We were left to wonder and were told that we would know for sure at the birth. Over the next few weeks, I became very uncomfortable and my feet swelled beyond the ability to wear shoes. In addition, my blood pressure started to climb slowly and the doctor began to be concerned that I was developing pre-eclampsia. To be cautious, I had several stress tests to ensure the baby was okay. 

My due date came and went and I was put on bed rest as my symptoms did not pass. The doctor then began sending me to the hospital daily for cervix softening, and after three days, scheduled an induction of labor for December 9th, 1999. We were admitted to Labor & Delivery room 9 at 7 am. The trouble began when they tried to start an IV for fluids. They stuck me 9 times before the anesthesiologist was able to get it started. As a result, it was almost 11 am before they go the petocin started. The afternoon did not bring better news. My blood work revealed that my pre-eclampsia had progressed and was moving towards toxemia. The doctor turned up the petocin and hoped for a quick delivery. By 6 pm, the doctor had diagnosed full blown toxemia and had determined an epidural was out of the question. They brought in the prenatal emergency team and set a deadline of midnight. If labor had not progressed sufficiently they would deliver by c-section. About 11:30 pm, we began preparing to push and by 2:45 am on December 10, 1999, Megan was born. I do not remember much from 7 pm- the birth. The doctors had given me drugs for the pain and I was very sleepy due to the toxemia. It was a scary night, but one that yielded a wonderful reward. 
We were given our beautiful caring and loving daughter.  She entered this world in the same dramatic and unique way she has come to face everyday. She has also developed a heart of gold that she uses to guide her daily. She has blessed our lives in more ways than we can list in the last 12 years and is growing into a beautiful young lady. I am anxious to see how God uses her in his plans and am thrilled to be a part of the years to come.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Blessing of Children

Tonight, as I sit grading papers and avoiding grad school work, I am struck by the wonderful blessings of my three wonderful children! 

Megan has grown to such a beautiful young lady. This evening we jogged around the neighborhood (okay... she jogged and I walked, but still!). She gave it her all and I was struck with what an awesome kid she is! I am thrilled to have her as my daughter and to get to be a part of her life, even if she does cop a 'tude on me from time to time!  I love my mini me!

When we came in, I sat on the couch and my heart was warmed when Alaina climbed from Alan's side to my end of the couch. She said, " I want mommy." I replied, " Mommy is sweaty." She quickly flashed me her sweet, know-it-all, adorable smile and said, " Don't worry Mom, I already took a shower. I got it!" I chuckled and snuggled her close as she shared her cleanness with me! Her sweet spirit is a daily joy and I can't wait to see all God has for her!

Later, long after all were tucked in and sleeping (except me, the lone night owl), I heard the regular sounds of Matthew's nightly rounds. You see, Matthew has some interesting sleep habits. When he was younger we termed them night terrors, he would run screaming through the house and was the reason we utilized deadbolts at the top of the door frame.
Lately, his nightmares have been no less frequent, but have become less frightening (I suppose) as the reaction has been less terror and more confusion! But it is almost comical as he comes running from his room regularly to save his sister, or get his backpack, or find the dog, all with his eyes half closed and completely asleep. Tonight his mission was to help "sissy" with something. He ran out, into my bedroom, and then quickly back into the living rooma ll teh while mumbling about "sissy" and "helping." He allowed me to calm him down and send him back to bed, still sound asleep! And even now as I hear him talking to the wall in his room, I am blessed by his sincerity.
He is my challenging child when it comes to daily parenting, but is also my most loving. He loves to a fault and is a true blessing to cuddle and talk with! His imagination never ceases to amaze me and though he challenges every fiber of patience I have, he is my sweet boy. I pray that he heeds God's calling for his life and changes the world with his endearing tenacity.

Thanks you Lord for the blessing of my WONDERFUL children!  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The BUSYness of Fall & the Joy it brings

Last night, a dear friend joined me for Megan's swim meet in Habersham and got to witness the other world of swimming that I am blessed to be a part of. As I interpreted the language of swimming for her and watched her smiling at me kneeling in water at the poolside counting laps, a realization hit me. (And at the risk of offending my other two children, let me be clear, the sideline of any of their events would have shown the same thing). You see.....

For the Lance family Fall is the busiest time of year and that it leads straight into the holidays (also a busy time) can sometimes seem exhausting. The month of October alone has zero days unscheduled with some type of practice, swim meet, soccer game, party, or event. I know some of you say that means we are overscheduled or something like that, but in our house we consider it the norm. With three kids going in opposite directions, it is just how it goes! And since we do most things together as a family- we treasure the time together, no matter where it is!

Today. Matthew has a soccer game and Megan is swimming in a swim meet. Unfortunately, that put us in different parts of the N.GA area this morning, so I am anxiously awaiting texts of swim meet results and lacing up soccer cleats all at once! All while convincing Alaina that her swim suit is not appropriate attire for the soccer field even if it is what her big sister left dressed in!

It is this BUSYness that I enjoy most. Though my kids may drive me crazy acting insane and pranking each other, it is the fact that they like each other and are enjoying life that brings me joy. I am so thankful for my beautiful children, their many activities and all, and I can't wait to see what God has for them.

So when you see me out running wild and looking frazzled- know that I am in my happy place and go find your as well.... Oh, and toss us some change for gas money too .... (just kidding)!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A "message" from the 4 year old

What do cell phone ring tones and Jonah have in common? Well... In Alaina's world, they bring messages from God.  Here's the story......

Alaina has been watching the Veggie Tales movie, Jonah, a lot lately. In that movie, there is a catchy song describing Jonah's job in bringing messages from the Lord to the people.

At the same time, Alan recently changed his text message ringtone to be the voice of Warf (sp?)from Star Trek saying, "Captain, incoming message."  When you assemble the two and listen through the ears of a four year old, you might see the revelation. Here is how it transpired.....

As they were driving home from school, Alan received a text message (which he of course did not answer), the ringtone sounded off saying, "Captain, incoming message." And Alaina replied, "Is it a message from the Lord?" Alan simply chuckled.

Upon hearing the latest "words from Alaina" story (and there are many!), I laughed and kissed my sweet girl.

Later while pondering the story, I began to think how I wished the words of my precious four year old were true. Sometimes when waiting on the Lord to speak to me, I so wish he could just call me on my cell or send me a text and tell me what to do next or how to decide on a topic.

In all that wishing, it occurred to me that perhaps Alaina's obviousness was the answer. In her world, a message from the Lord was as clear as a ringtone. Oh, how I long to hear the Lord that clearly. So my prayer this week is.... Lord, give me the senses of my four year old that I may hear you clearly! 

Thank you Alaina!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sweet moments explaining things to a 4 year old.....

As I prepared for church this morning, I heard a sweet voice ask, "Mommy is that Jesus saving Daddy?". I stopped applying make-up and turned to see what she was looking at. Alaina was gazing at a piece of art we keep on our bookshelf (the one posted here).

I smiled and said, "Sort-of." It is a picture of Jesus saving us all from our sins. She replied, "Well it looks like Daddy." I chuckled and tried to explain to my very smart four year old that the man in the picture represents all of us and that we all do bad things but that Jesus forgives us and saves us.

She listened intently and then replied, "Oh, but I'm not a boy..." Again I chuckled and answered that she was of course not a boy but a very pretty young lady and the God made her that way and loved her very much- so much that he sent us Jesus. She smiled and said, " I'm glad he sent me Jesus."

We proceeded with our morning , I was feeling very touched as I heard..... "Daddy, the one on the bookshelf. It's you, but mom says its me too- let me show you." She promptly brings him to the photo and says, "See, it looks like you daddy." He smiles and says, "Thanks, baby" as he winks at me quite proud of his daughter's evaluation that he looks like the man in the picture. Then Alaina said, "You look a little different now though...." We both sighed, laughed and enjoyed the sweet moment!

Long Time No Blog... But back at it again!

It has been almost a year since my last post and a lot has happened.

In the last year, Megan has suffered from a strange intestinal illness (now totally cured) causing her to miss two months of last season's swimming, competed in her first OM (Odyssey of the Mind) competition, graduated elementary school, had an awesome summer swimming on two teams, started middle school ,had her tonsils out, suffered complications while healing, and is now healed and swimming on a new team at the YMCA ,playing soccer there as well and starting a new year of OM! She is our active, helpful, emotional, passionate, mature eldest child. She is 11 going on 17.

In the last year, Matthew has played two seasons of soccer, had a tooth pulled, and made several visits to the orthodontist who is watching his teeth for the future (much to mommy's pocketbook's dismay) finished the third grade, swam on the summer team and is starting a new season of soccer in a new age group. He has begun fourth grade and is working hard to stay on track. He is our crazy, wild, sweet spirited boy who keeps us on our toes.

In the last year, took part in Itty Bitty Sports (her first season of organized sports), finished her three-year-old preschool class, turned 4, learned to swim (mostly), had her ear tubes replaced (for the third time) and her adenoids removed, passed her first hearing test in two years (Woo-HOO!!!), and started Pre-K. She is our giggling mess making child and loves to emulate her older siblings.

In the last year, Alan and I have simply held on for dear life as we chased, managed, and enjoyed these three blessings God gave us. We have also become an Aunt & Uncle again- one more Goodroe nephew arrived in January. Also we celebrated the first birthday of our first Lance nephew- Cole- in July. We have also found a church home here in Winder and are settling in as members of River Hills Church in Winder.

I (Teri) have also been pursuing my specialist degree and traveled to several conferences and taught at some for work.

It has been a crazy and wonderful ride, but I am going to try to blog more this year. Well see....