Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wow- It's November already!!!

We've had a busy month. Alaina and I have been struggling with a nasty cough- mine equaling bronchitis. Alaina loved fall and all that went with it. Candy Corn was her favorite part, though she loved pumpkins as well. Megan swam another meet at the end of the month- shaving time in 4 out of 5 races. Both Megan and Matthew's soccer season has come to a haitus due to all the rain we have been having here in Georgia. Matthew's coach has taken to calling and saying, "Well it's soccer day so of course it's raining." We are hoping to wrap up the season in the next two weeks, as basketball is right around the corner for Matthew. We had an exciting Halloween with Mimi's pumpkin party and an evening of trick-or-treating at Nana's. Enjoy the slideshow of both of those events! Novemeber is off and running with a trip to Toccoa for a family photo shoot at the falls. We are gearing up for a busy month with more swimming, soccer, and holiday activity. Check back with us soon!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Megan's swim meet!

Megan swam in her first meet of the year round season yesterday! She swam a personal best in 2 out of 5 races, shaving an amazing 3 and 1/2 seconds off her IM - a grueling race involving all four strokes. She also shaved off her breast stroke. The other three races were improvements on last year's times, but not persoanl bests. She is doing amazing and loving her new team, we all are!
Everyonne else is doing well and we are gearing up for our trip to Moultrie next weekend!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


We started the month with a fun trip to the lake. We spent time with family on the Sunday before Labor Day and enjoyed good food and some last time in the sun. The kids (and Joey) got to ride the tube and enjoy a boat ride around the lake.
We've had a busy month. School is back in full swing. Megan is swimming full time and working hard towards her first big meet on October 3rd. Matthew is playing soccer as is Megan and games and practices are keeping us hopping.
Alaina had her ear tubes replaced today and she came through the surgery just like everything else in life- smiling and hapy. All is well with her and the doctors hope that this set will stay in as long as she needs them.
Now we are gearing up for October which is sure to be full of swim meets, soccer games, a trip to Moultrie, and Halloween.
Come join us as we chase our kids around! We'd love to have you!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer's End ~ School's Launch!

We've had a busy end to summer and start to school. We finished up a fabulous swim season, and had a last hoorah of summer at Stone Mountain. We enjoyed the train, Sky hike, The Great Barn, the top of the Mountain and the Laser Show. The kids loved every minute as the pictures illustrate.

School is back in full swing. Alaina is loving the "2" year old class and is very verbal in her daily life. She is attempting to potty train but no major progress yet. She is also struggling with her ear tubes and we are visiting the ENT frequently. Megan is enjoying 4th grade except for Math which gives her fits ( sorry Uncle Jody!). She is also on a new swim team this year and it is AWESOME!!! We are loving every part of it from the closer pool to the people we are hanging with. Matthew is playing soccer and saying he loves 2nd grade until you try to get him to do his homework. Alan and I are busy running kids everywhere and anxiously awaiting fall and cooler weather!!!

We love you all!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer is Flying By- Too Fast!!

We are trucking away here in Lance land. Summer swimming is coming to an end and we are deep in preparations for the last meet and our awards banquet. Also we are gearing up for year round swimming for Megan and soccer for Matthew- both of which start in August. We have been spending our days relaxing at home or running errands mostly and are planning a garage sale for Saturday to help clean out the house before school starts back. Life is basically quiet and peaceful here except for the occasional destruction Alaina leaves in her two-year-old path (today it was pen marks- everywhere). Today, the younger two children are spending a day with Mamaw, as Alan and I took Megan to see Harry Potter 6 last night. She enjoyed it a lot! She loves those only child dates and we look forward to continuing them with the other two as they get older. We hope you are enjoying your summer as much as we are!
Many happy thoughts, ~The Lance family

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Great Swim Meet!

The kids did awesome at their big meet. Matthew swam his best time yet in both events. Megan swam her best time yet in her two events and also shaved time in her leg of the medley relay. The were both a bit disappointed to not qualify for state, but realized that their time will come! They were celebrating with their friends by the end of the night. Ma-maw and Ga-Ga were able to come see them swim and were real troopers in the warm room! Alaina spent time playing on the playground and driving us crazy crawling all over the bleachers. She did decide to become a future barracuda (see the pics)! We were very proud to be a part of such an awesome team today! I am thrilled that my kids are enjoying swimming, even if it keeps us hopping!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Such a Proud and Thankful MOM!

I am so proud of all my kids and am excited for tomorrow's big swim meet. Megan and Matthew will swim in a District meet to try to qualify for the State meet. All the while Alaina will be cheering, "Go Sissy, Sissy, Go! or "Yeah, Bubba!" But regardless of tomorrow's outcome- they have worked very hard this summer and I am so proud. At the same time as we mourn for other teammates- I am ever so thankful for all the blessings of family that God has given me!

Monday, July 6, 2009

I finally got it started!

Okay, so my blog is off and running. Misty should be really proud. Who would have ever thought that I would get things done in the early morning (I hate mornings!) while the two youngest sleep and Alan runs Meg to her early am practice. Can't wait to upload some pics and get this personalized.