Saturday, March 6, 2010

Okay- so it's March and I am just now blogging again! Oh well, it has been a wild ride these last few months. We had a wonderful December and Christmas! We spent January & February at the pool as Megan prepared to swim at the Georgia State Swim Meet. She did a fabulous job and is as excited about swimming as ever. She is now aiming at AAA times- a lofty goal, but one she is working hard at reaching. And we are gettng ready for the last Short Course meet of the season and then off to Long Course before summer team starts! We have also been at the YMCA a good bit as Matthew finished up his 2nd basketball season. He did a great job learning defense and how to dribble and is still working on those shooting skills. We are now full swing into preparations for summer swim team and are still swimming every week. Matthew has joined the year round team in hopes of getting prepared for summer. They are both starting soccer seasons this week and Alaina is spending her time running around either the pool or soccer field at full tilt asking when she can play. It is a busy life but one we enjoy! We are very excited about the upcoming Spring weather and are counting down until summer already! Come check out a game or swim meet anytime!