Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sweet moments explaining things to a 4 year old.....

As I prepared for church this morning, I heard a sweet voice ask, "Mommy is that Jesus saving Daddy?". I stopped applying make-up and turned to see what she was looking at. Alaina was gazing at a piece of art we keep on our bookshelf (the one posted here).

I smiled and said, "Sort-of." It is a picture of Jesus saving us all from our sins. She replied, "Well it looks like Daddy." I chuckled and tried to explain to my very smart four year old that the man in the picture represents all of us and that we all do bad things but that Jesus forgives us and saves us.

She listened intently and then replied, "Oh, but I'm not a boy..." Again I chuckled and answered that she was of course not a boy but a very pretty young lady and the God made her that way and loved her very much- so much that he sent us Jesus. She smiled and said, " I'm glad he sent me Jesus."

We proceeded with our morning , I was feeling very touched as I heard..... "Daddy, the one on the bookshelf. It's you, but mom says its me too- let me show you." She promptly brings him to the photo and says, "See, it looks like you daddy." He smiles and says, "Thanks, baby" as he winks at me quite proud of his daughter's evaluation that he looks like the man in the picture. Then Alaina said, "You look a little different now though...." We both sighed, laughed and enjoyed the sweet moment!

Long Time No Blog... But back at it again!

It has been almost a year since my last post and a lot has happened.

In the last year, Megan has suffered from a strange intestinal illness (now totally cured) causing her to miss two months of last season's swimming, competed in her first OM (Odyssey of the Mind) competition, graduated elementary school, had an awesome summer swimming on two teams, started middle school ,had her tonsils out, suffered complications while healing, and is now healed and swimming on a new team at the YMCA ,playing soccer there as well and starting a new year of OM! She is our active, helpful, emotional, passionate, mature eldest child. She is 11 going on 17.

In the last year, Matthew has played two seasons of soccer, had a tooth pulled, and made several visits to the orthodontist who is watching his teeth for the future (much to mommy's pocketbook's dismay) finished the third grade, swam on the summer team and is starting a new season of soccer in a new age group. He has begun fourth grade and is working hard to stay on track. He is our crazy, wild, sweet spirited boy who keeps us on our toes.

In the last year, took part in Itty Bitty Sports (her first season of organized sports), finished her three-year-old preschool class, turned 4, learned to swim (mostly), had her ear tubes replaced (for the third time) and her adenoids removed, passed her first hearing test in two years (Woo-HOO!!!), and started Pre-K. She is our giggling mess making child and loves to emulate her older siblings.

In the last year, Alan and I have simply held on for dear life as we chased, managed, and enjoyed these three blessings God gave us. We have also become an Aunt & Uncle again- one more Goodroe nephew arrived in January. Also we celebrated the first birthday of our first Lance nephew- Cole- in July. We have also found a church home here in Winder and are settling in as members of River Hills Church in Winder.

I (Teri) have also been pursuing my specialist degree and traveled to several conferences and taught at some for work.

It has been a crazy and wonderful ride, but I am going to try to blog more this year. Well see....